AT Command Interface Specification
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
29:No error specified by the network
31:Session ended due to position server not available
32:Network reported an unsupported version of protocol
33:Mapped to corresponding SS-MOLR-error error code
34:MO-LR unexpected error
35:MO-LR Data missing
36:MO-LR facility not supported
37:MO-LR subscription violation
38:MO-LR position method failure
39:MO-LR undefined error
43:Position response Nongood (NG) reception (LIS side system anomaly)
44:Position response NG reception (beyond the LSU maximum session count)
45:Position response NG reception (MS side setting information failure)
46:Session interruption NG reception (LIS side system anomaly)
47:Session interruption NG reception (MS side setting information failure)
48:Abnormal response reception
49:T04 timer timed out
50:T03 timer timed out
51:T02 timer timed out
52:IS-801 timer timed out
53:LR reject reception
54:AA reject reception
55:EPH reject reception
56:ALM reject reception
57:Seed reject reception
58:IS-801 sequence error
59:PPP establish trial failure
60:Network link disconnection after PPP established (MS-initiated)
61:Network link disconnection after PPP established (server-initiated)
62:GPS data request response NG reception (LIS side system anomaly)
63:GPS data request response NG reception (beyond LSU maximum session count)