AT Command Interface Specification
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
when the call is not answered If the MT receives an incoming call, the MT reports this
indication to the TE when the MT answers the call.
7.9.3 Parameter Description
<call_x>: Specifies the call ID, uniquely identifying the call. The value ranges from 1
to 9.
<call_type>: Specifies the call type. The values are as follows:
0: voice call
2: PS domain data call (not supported at present)
3: CDMA SMS call (not supported at present)
7: OTA call (standard OTASP numbers)
8: OTA call (non-standard OTASP numbers)
9: emergency call
7.10 ^CEND–Command for Indicating the End of a Call
7.10.1 Syntax
7.10.2 Interface Description
After a call is terminated, the MT reports this indication to the TE to notify the TE of
the call end cause and the call duration.
7.10.3 Parameter Description
<call_x>: Specifies the call ID, uniquely identifying the call. The value ranges from 1
to 9.
<duration>: Specifies the call duration in the unit of second. The time starts from
reporting of the ^CONN command until the call is complete.
<end_status>: Specifies the call end cause. In this product, this parameter is set to
255 permanently.
<cc_cause>: Specifies call control information (not supported at present).