Interpretation Acquire white balance setting. "autoW", "autoN", or "manual" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting White Balance of a Scene File
Format /api/param?camera.scene(number).image.white_balance=data
Example /api/param?camera.scene(0).image.white_balance=auto
Example of response camera.scene(0).image.white_balance&202 Accepted(camera.scene.status=save)
Interpretation Change white balance setting. Specify "autoW", "autoN", or "manual". If "op_auto" is specified,
one push auto white balance control is done, and setting becomes "manual". The change of scene file 0 is saved
by the API, camera.scene(0).status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting R-Gain of White Balance of a Scene File
Format /api/param?camera.scene(number).image.white_balance.r
Example of response camera.scene(0).image.white_balance.r=s85&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire R-gain of white balance setting. s0 to s255 is returned. The s before number means
"step". Default value is s85.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting R-Gain of White Balance of a Scene File
Format /api/param?camera.scene(number).image.white_balance.r=data
Example /api/param?camera.scene(0).image.white_balance.r=s100
Example of response
camera.scene(0).image.white_balance.r&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change R-gain white balance setting. Specify s0 to s255. The s before number means "step".
Default value is s85. The change of scene file 0 is saved by the API, camera.scene(0).status=save. If the change
is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting B-Gain of White Balance of a Scene File
Format /api/param?camera.scene(number).image.white_balance.b
Example of response camera.scene(0).image.white_balance.b=s219&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire B-gain of white balance setting. s0 to s255is returned. The s before number means "step".
Default value is s219.
Allowed users admin, operator, user