shorten the audio delay time. To enable stable playback in a network where jitter occurs, it is recommended that
this be specified as assured=1. Default value is 1.
lowdelay Specifying as lowdelay=1 disables the Nagle algorithm of TCP, and audio delay time will be shortened.
When lowdelay=0 is specified, the Nagle algorithm is enabled and audio delay time will be prolonged. However,
transmission overhead will be enhanced. Default value is 1.
29.3. Response
When API is successfully received
The camera will return 200 OK. There is no Content-length field in the HTTP response. The x-vnh57_response
line indicates actual parameter.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF>
Connection: close<CRLF>
Content-type: audio/ulaw<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-H57 Network Camera<CRLF>
x-vnh57_response: encode=ulaw&lowdelay=1&assured=1<CRLF><CRLF>
29.4. Restrictions
Access restriction
The camera has access restriction feature that enables to deny access from a specific IP address. If audio is
requested from the IP address of access restriction, the camera disconnects the TCP connection after API is sent.
Restriction by maximum bitrate
The maximum bitrate of the camera is about 20 Mbps.
Number of clients
The maximum number of audio stream is 2, 2 TCP streams or 1 TCP stream and 1 multicast stream. When 2
streams are sent from the camera, new request for audio is disconnected.
30. Sending Audio to the Camera (VN-H57/157WP/257/257VP)
This section describes APIs for audio sending from a client to the camera. Make use of the APIs explained in this
section in the way as mentioned in Section 7.