Interpretation Change the password of admin(0), admin(1), admin(2) or admin(3). Set a password between 4 to
16 characters.
There is no API for Getting passwords.
Allowed user admin
Setting Password of operator
Format /api/param?system.password.operator(num)=data2
Example /api/param?system.password.operator(0)=someword
Example of Response system.password. operator(0)&200 OK
Interpretation Change the password of operator(0), operator(1), operator(2) or operator(3). Set a password
between 4 to 16 characters.
There is no API for Getting passwords.
Allowed user admin
Setting Password of user
Format /api/param?system.password.user(num)=data2
Example /api/param?system.password.user(0)=someword
Example of Response system.password. user(0)&200 OK
Interpretation Change the password of user(0), user(1), user(2) or user(3). Set a password between 4 to 16
There is no API for Getting passwords.
Allowed user admin
Delete Acount
Example /api/param?system.password.admin(1)=initialize
Example of Response system.password. admin(1)=unregistered&200 OK
Interpretation Delete specified account. admin(0), operator(0) and user(0) can not be deleted.
Allowed user admin
25. JVC API for Maintenance
The APIs below are related to maintenance. These are equivalent to the features on the Maintenance page of the