pin numbers.
Specify sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday or saturday for WeekOfDay.
Specify start time and end time in the format like hhmmss-hhmmss. Start time can be from 000000 to 235959. End
time can be from 000001 to 240000. Start time must be earlier than end time.
The changes to filter of alarm action is saved by /api/param?application.event(Number).status=restart.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Alarm Filter Type
Format /api/param?application.event(Number).filter(WeekOfDay).type
Example When Getting Type of Sunday filter of Alarm No. 1
Example of Response application.event(1).filter(sunday).type=mask&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire filter type of the alarm action for the specified alarm number. Up to 5 alarm actions can be
specified, periodic FTP is assigned to event No.6, and pre/post FTP assigned to No.7. Therefore the number of
event(number) can be set between the range of 1 to 7. Note that alarm numbers are different from the alarm input
pin numbers.
Specify sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday or saturday for WeekOfDay. "mask" or "unmask"
is returned. When the setting is mask, alarm action is disabled during the filter time. When the setting is unmask,
alarm action is enabled during the filter time.
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting Alarm Filter Type
Format /api/param?application.event(Number).filter(WeekOfDay).type=data
Example When setting Sunday filter type of Alarm No. 1 to be unmask
Example of Response
application.event(1).filter(sunday).type&202 Accepted(application.event(1).status=restart)
Interpretation Set filter type of the alarm action for the specified alarm number. Up to 5 alarm actions can be
specified, periodic FTP is assigned to event No.6, and pre/post FTP assigned to No.7. Therefore the number of
event(number) can be set between the range of 1 to 7. Note that alarm numbers are different from the alarm input
pin numbers.
Specify sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday or saturday for WeekOfDay.
Specify mask or unmask. When the setting is mask, alarm action is disabled during the filter time. When the
setting is unmask, alarm action is enabled during the filter time.
The changes to filter of alarm action is saved by /api/param?application.event(Number).status=restart.
Allowed users admin, operator