Appendix B Command Summary
Part No. 6B4389 June 1999 B-5
Sets procedure used by the NIC when obtaining its IP address.
By default the IP address is set along with a default subnet mask
and a router address that is the same as the address of the load
host. By setting nn to 1, the subnet mask is not set. If nn is set to
2, the router address is not set. If nn is set to 3, neither the subnet
mask nor the router address is set.
SET IP ROuter aa.bb.cc.dd
Sets default router address.
SET IP SUbnet aa.bb.cc.dd
Sets subnet mask.
SET IP Timeout n
Sets inactivity timeout (min).
SET SERVice <servicename> IP [ENDIS]
Enables or disables TCP/IP jobs on specified service.
SET SERVICE <servicename> TCP
Sets TCP port number (>1023) on service.
Shows LPD/TCP/TELNET Parameters
SHow IP ACcess
Shows IP addresses that are allowed to access print server.
NetWare Commands
CLear NEtware SErver
Removes specified NetWare file server from PontPrint server
access list.
SET NEtware ADvertise n
Sets advertising frequency of the NIC.
Enables or disables NetWare protocol of the NIC.
SET NEtware FRame [802.2, 802.3, ETH, AL, AU, SNA].