Part No. 6B4389 June 1999 8-1
8 Configuring for AppleTalk Networks
The Kodak Professional 10/100 network interface card (NIC)
supports the AppleTalk protocol allowing Macintosh computers to
print jobs to a Kodak printer simultaneously with jobs from
computers using TCP/IP, Novell NetWare, and NetBEUI.
The NIC broadcasts AppleTalk information to computers on the
network and automatically appears in the Chooser on
The NIC is compatible with Apple LaserWriter 8 printer drivers as
well as the AdobePS and PhotoShop export module for
Macintosh that came with the printer.
Printer and NIC Installation
Before you begin the configuration for AppleTalk, make sure you
have completed the following steps:
1. Set up the printer, and install the printing software on the
workstations that will be sending jobs to the printer. Refer to
the QuickSetup card or the Operator’s Guide which is
included on the CD for instructions on setting up the printer.
2. Install the NIC in the printer, and connect it to your Ethernet
3. Generate a NIC configuration page, and verify that the
AppleTalk service on the NIC is enabled. Refer to Chapter 2
for instructions on installing and verifying the NIC
NOTE: The NIC will automatically disable AppleTalk if the printer is
powered up when it is NOT connected to a functional
network. You should be able to re-enable AppleTalk by
power cycling the printer when it is connected to an
AppleTalk network.
4. Enable Ethernet from the Macintosh’s control panel.