Appendix B Command Summary
B-6 Part No. 6B4389 June 1999
Sets NetWare frame type to 802.2, 802.3, Ethernet II, ALL,
SET NEtware NEtwork n
Sets NetWare internal network number.
SET NEtware NPrinter <pserver> n ON <service>
Set NPrinter mode on service.
SET NEtware PAssword <psw>
Sets the NIC log in password.
SET NEtware POlling n
Sets the queue polling time in seconds.
SET NEtware QServer <fileserver> ON <service>
Sets Queue Server mode on service
SET MEtware REscan
Rescans the NIC for new queues
SET NEtware SErver <name> [ENIDIS]
Enables the NIC.
SET SERVIce <servicename> NET [ENIDIS]
Enables or disables NetWare jobs on specified service.
Shows NETware
Shows NetWare parameters
AppleTalk Commands
SET Appletalk [ENIDIS]
Enables or disables AppleTalk Processing.
SET APpletalk ZOne <name>
Set AppleTalk zone name
SET Appletalk [ENIDIS]
Enables or disables AppleTalk Processing.
SET SERVice <servicename> APP [ENIDIS]
Enables or disables AppleTalk jobs on specified service.