Quick Configuration Reference Guide
4 June 1999
Printer/NIC Installation and Configuration Overview
Step 1:Determine your Network and Printing Environment.
NIC supports TCP/IP, IPX, AppleTalk & NetBEUI protocols.
Step 2: Gather Necessary Hardware & Software Components:
Printer and driver S/W (Provided with printer)
NIC and configuration S/W (provided with NIC)
NIC Pre-installed in Printer?
Step 3: Install the NIC in the Printer.
Refer to user’s guide for the NIC for
Installation instructions.
Step 4: Configure the NIC ONLY if default settings are unacceptable. (Use Web based
Interface, XAdmin, or Telnet)
Recommendation: Use defaults until successful network printing is demonstrated.
(TCP/IP minimally requires an appropriate IP address that can be entered from the printer’s
front control panel).
Use Server
Print Queues?
Step 5:Configure Server (Novell, Windows NT)
Step 6: Configure Workstations for Printing or Exporting.
Install proper PostScript driver printing and/or Kodak cxport module for exporting files from
Adobe PhotoShop.
Step 7:Printing Files (PostScript)
Use File > Print
from Applications and select the
Kodak printer or queue.
Step7:Exporting Files
Use File > Export
from Adobe PhotoShop and select
the Kodak printer or queue.