
6/00 MPF-25
P rocess: E C N - 2
U s e : KODAK VISION 800T Color Negative
Film / 5289/7289 offers excellent image quality and the
highest capture speed available in motion picture films.
It delivers the speed and latitude you need in low light, fast
action, and other filming conditions where film speed
is vitally important.
General Pro p e r t i e s :
Negative Film / 5289/7289 is a very high-speed fil m
balanced for tungsten light. This film features a wide
u n d e r - and overe x p o s u re latitude, and accurate color and
flesh-to-neutral balance. It intercuts with other Kodak color
negative motion picture films. KODAK VISION Film sets
new standards for consistency—emulsion to emulsion,
roll to roll, batch to batch.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tungsten
Light (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1.4 f/2 f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16
Footcandles 3 6 12.5 25 50 100 200 400
Use this table for average subjects. When a subject
includes only pastels, use at least
2 stop less exposure ;
dark colors re q u i re
2 stop more exposure .
Lighting Contrast:The suggested ratio of key-light-plus-
fill-light to fill-light is 2:1 or 3:1.
R e c i p rocity Characteristics El 800 (30): You do not
need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust-
ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1 second. If
your exposure is in the 10-second range, increase expo-
s u re by
3 s t o p .
H a n d l i n g : Total darkness
Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check Kodak’s P rofessional Motion Imaging
Price Catalog, or contact a Kodak sales re p resentative in
your country.
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and
an internal product-code symbol.
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