16 mm End Use
6. 2 R - 2 9 94
16 mm film perforated two edges with a
p e rforation pitch of 0.2994 (7605), short pitch,
(ANSI/SMPTE 10 9-1996)
7. 2 R - 3 0 00
16 mm film perforated two edges with a
p e r foration pitch of 0.3000 (7620), long pitch,
(ANSI/SMPTE 10 9 -1996)
8. 1 R - 2 9 94
Same as No.6 except perforated one
edge (ANSI/SMPTE 10 9 -1996)
9. 3 R - 2 9 94
35 mm film perforated 16 mm with a
p e rforation pitch of 0.2994 (7605), short pitch,
(ANSI/SMPTE 171-1996)
10. 1 R - 3 0 00
Same as No.7 except perforated one edge
(ANSI/SMPTE 10 9-1 996)
11. 3 R - 3 0 00
Same as No. 9 except with a perf o r a t i o n
pitch of 0.3000 (7620), long pitch, (ANSI/SMPTE
17 1-1996 )
N o t e : For other perforation types or formats, consult your
P r ofessional Motion Imaging office.
Q u a n t i t i es
S t a n d a rd Packages
For faster service and easier handling, you should ord e r
case-lot quantities whenever possible.
Film Roll Case Case
Width Film Type Length Quantity Weight
35 mm Camera Films (Color/B&W) 100 ft (30 m) 50 35 lb (16 kg)
200 ft (61 m) 20 28 lb (13 kg)
400 ft (122 m) 10 25 lb (11 kg)
1000 ft (305 m) 5 30 lb (14 kg)
16 mm Camera Films (Color/B&W) 100 ft (30 m) 50 22 lb (10 kg)
200 ft (61 m) 30 30 lb (14 kg)
400 ft (122 m) 30 30 lb (14 kg)
800 ft (244 m) 12 37 lb (17 kg)
1200 ft (366 m) 15 57 lb (25 kg)
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