
To illustrate our point, let’s look at one example:
If you order a 400-ft (122 m) roll of 35 mm KODAK
VISION 200T Color Negative Film 5274, the CAT No. is
171 6984. That number tells us exactly what you need.
To verify that number you should include:
the name of the film (5274)
Iden No. (VXM718 )
roll length (400 ft [122 m]) on core
p e rforation pitch (BH-1866 [4740]) .
P roduct and Technical Inform a t i o n
T h r oughout the world, Eastman Kodak Company
p rovides the motion picture industry with a full range of
quality products, supported by worldwide technical
services and distribution. The goal is simple: to pro v i d e
customers with products and services to achieve the best
s c reen image possible.
The vast majority of filmmakers choose KODAK
Motion Picture Films to generate quality images. Cinema-
tographers and laboratory professionals know they can
count on Eastman Kodak Company for fast, experienced
technical assistance and a film-distribution network that
reaches just about every corner of the globe. Our involve-
ment extends to theaters where we assist exhibitors in
p roviding first-class viewing enviro n m e n t s .
A worldwide network is available to supply you with
K O D A K Motion Picture Products and to answer any
technical questions.
For information, call Kodak in your
a rea of operations listed on pages 31 through 39. For
technical information in the United States, call the
Kodak Information Center at 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 4 2 - 2 4 2 4 ,
Ext. 16 , 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Eastern time), Monday
t h r ough Friday. To place an order in the United States,
call 1-800-621-FILM. Countries outside the U.S.,
contact Kodak in your country or the nearest distributor.
Visit the Entertainment Imaging website at
www.kodak.com/go/motion for complete technical data
sheets on KODAK Motion Picture Films, or call the Kodak
I n f o rmation Center (see phone information above).
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