
Winding Designations
In the sketches below, the film is wound on cores and the
emulsion side of the film faces the center of the roll. All
35 mm camera films and many 16 mm camera films have
p e rforations on both edges
2R in the sketch. All one-
edge perforated 16 mm camera films are Winding B.
P e rforation Ty p e s
35 mm and 65 mm End Use
1. B H -18 70
35 mm Bell & Howell negative perf o r a-
tions with a pitch measurement of 0.18 7 0 ( 4 7 5 0 ) ,
long pitch, (ANSI/SMPTE 93-1996)
2. B H -18 66
35 mm Bell & Howell negative perf o r a-
tions with a pitch measurement of 0.18 6 6 ( 4 7 4 0 ) ,
short pitch, (ANSI/SMPTE 93-1996)
3. K S -18 66
35 mm and 65 mm Kodak Standard
Positive perforations with a pitch measurement of
0 . 1 8 6 6 (4740), short pitch, (ANSI/SMPTE 13 9 -
1996; ANSI/SMPTE 14 5 -1993)
4. D H -18 70
35 mm Dubray-Howell perforations with
a pitch measurement of 0.18 7 0 (4750), long pitch,
(ANSI/SMPTE 237-1993)
5. K S -18 70
70 mm film perforated 65 mm Kodak
S t a n d a rd Positive perforations with a pitch measure-
ment of 0.18 7 0 (4750), long pitch, (ANSI/SMPTE
119 -1993)
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