Chapter 10 Adjustment
Name Abbrev. Details
Setting range
Servo specifications
HEX setting
SV018 PIT Set the pole pitch.
1 to 32767
SV019 RNG1 Set the resolution per pole pitch of the detector used for position control. 1 to 9999
SV020 RNG2 Set the resolution per pole pitch of the detector used for speed control. 1 to 9999
SV021 OLT Set the detection time constant for overload 1 (OL1)
Normally, set 60.
1 to 300
SV022 OLL Set the current detection level of overload 1 (OL1) as a percentage (%) in respect to the stall
rated current.
Normally, set 150.
1 to 500
(Stall rated
current %)
SV023 OD1 Set the excessive error detection width for servo ON.
Setting method
SV023:OD1 = SV026:OD2 = SV053:OD3 =
F / ( 60 × PGN1 ) × 0.5
F : Max. rapid traverse speed (mm/min)
PGN1 : Position loop gain 1 (rad/s)
When 0 is set, the excessive error will not be
detected at servo ON.
0 to 32767
SV024 INP Set the in-position detection width.
Normally, set 50.
0 to 32767
F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
spm drvall drvup mpt3 mp abs vmh vdir fdir seqh dfbx vdir2
bit Name Meaning when "0" is set Meaning when "1" is set
0 vdir2 Sub side (CN3 connector) feedback
forward polarity
Sub side (CN3 connector) feedback
reverse polarity
1 dfbx Not used for linear motor.
Set to "0".
2 seqh READY/servo ON time, normal mode READY/servo ON time, time reduction
3 Set to "0".
4 fdir Main side (CN2 connector) feedback
forward polarity
Main side (CN2 connector) feedback
reverse polarity
5 vdir Set to "0".
6 vmh Normal processing mode High-speed processing mode
∗ For the linear system, set the
high-speed processing mode.
7 abs Incremental position detection Absolute position detection
8 mp
9 mpt3
Not used for linear motor.
Set to "0".
A drvup Combination with standard motor driver Set when using a combination with a
driver having a capacity one rank
above or below the standard motor
B drvall Normal setting Set when using a combination of driver
having a capacity different from the
standard motor driver.
spm Special motor selection
Standard linear motor : 6
Special linear motor : 7
Refer to 9-2-1 (5) List of motor types.