Chapter 11 Troubleshooting
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
Feedback error 2:
An excessive deviation of the feedback amount for the MAIN side detector and SUB
side detected was detected in the 2-scale 2-motor (2-amplifier) control.
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Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
1 Check items 3 and following for alarm
No. "2A".
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
Motor overheat:
A temperature error was detected in the motor being driven.
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Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
The specifications do not provide the
motor thermal.
Investigate item 2. 1 Check whether the specifications
provide the motor thermal.
The specifications provide the motor
Investigate item 3.
The parameter is not set correctly. Correctly set SV034/mohm 2 Check the servo parameter (SV034)
setting value.
The parameter is set correctly. Investigate item 3.
The alarm is repeated within one minute
after startup.
Investigate item 5. 3 Check the repeatability.
The alarm is repeated sometimes after
operating for a while.
Investigate item 4.
The motor is hot. Ease the operation pattern.
If the problem is not solved, check
investigation item 5.
4 Check the motor temperature when the
alarm occurs.
The motor is not high. Investigate item 5.
The connector is disconnected (or
Correctly install. 5 Wiggle the connectors by hand to check
whether the detector connectors (unit
side and motor side cannon) are
The connector is not disconnected. Investigate item 6.
There is a connection fault. Replace the detector cable. 6 Turn the power OFF, and check the
detector cable connection with a tester.
The connection is normal. Investigate item 7.
The alarm is on the unit side. Replace the drive unit. 7 Connect to another normal axis unit,
and check whether the fault is on the
unit side.
The alarm occurs even when the unit is
Investigate item 8.
No abnormality is found in particular. Replace the motor. 8 Check if there is any abnormality in the
unit's ambient environment.
(Ex. Ambient temperature, noise,
An abnormality was found in the
ambient environment.
Take remedies according to the causes of
the abnormality.
Ex. High
temperature ... Check the
Incomplete grounding …. Additionally
To prevent trouble, when changing the motor and driver combination, avoid
driving a driver with a larger capacity than the specified driver using the motor.
The motor could be demagnetized. Note that this combination can be used for
checking in the emergency stop state. The motor can be driven with a driver
with a capacity smaller than the specifications.