Chapter 11 Troubleshooting
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
Collision detection 0:
A collision detection method 1 error was detected during the G0 modal (rapid traverse).
(A disturbance torque exceeding the tolerable disturbance torque was detected.)
– –
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
The collision detection function is not
being used.
Investigate item 2.
The motor is colliding. Improve so that the machine does not
1 Check whether the collision detection
function is being used.
Check whether the machine is colliding.
The collision detection is being used,
but the machine is not colliding.
Investigate item 3.
2 Check the parameter.
Is SV060 (TLTM) set to "0"?
The setting is incorrect. Set SV060 (TLMT) to "0".
The current is 90% or more of the
current limit value.
Lengthen the time constant, and check
investigation item 4.
3 Check whether the current during
normal rapid traverse acceleration/
deceleration has reached the current
limit value, or whether it is 90% or more
of the limit value.
The current is less than 90% of the
current limit value.
Investigate item 4.
The alarm does not occur. 4 Readjust the collision detection function,
and then operate. (Refer to the separate
collision detection function
The alarm occurs. Investigate item 5.
They are vibrating. Eliminate the vibration by adjusting the
gain, and check investigation item 4.
5 Is the machine or current vibrating?
They are not vibrating. Investigate item 6.
The alarm does not occur. If the problem is not resolved even after
replacing the drive unit, raise the level.
6 Raise the detection level.
The alarm occurs. Replace the drive unit.
To prevent trouble, when changing the motor and driver combination, avoid
driving a driver with a larger capacity than the specified driver using the motor.
The motor could be demagnetized. Note that this combination can be used for
checking in the emergency stop state. A driver with a capacity smaller than the
specifications can be driven with the motor.