
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
Initial parameter error:
An illegal parameter was detected in the parameters sent when the CNC power was
turned ON.
Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
The parameter is incorrect. Set to the correct parameter.
The parameter is correct. Investigate item 3.
1 The illegal parameter No. will appear on
the CNC Diagnosis screen, so check
that servo parameter with the parameter
adjustment procedures.
The parameter No. is not 1 to 64. If the No. is 101, check investigation item
The combination is illegal, or the setting
range is exceeded.
Refer to the parameter settings in the
specifications and to the supplements,
and set to the correct values.
2 Check whether the servo parameter
(PIT) (RNG1) (RNG2) (PC1) and (PC2)
combination is illegal, or whether the
setting range is exceeded.
The parameter is correct. Investigate item 3.
3 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
CNC communication protocol error 1:
An error was detected in the communication frame sent from the CNC.
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Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
1 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
CNC communication protocol error 2
An error was detected in the axis information data sent from the CNC.
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Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
1 Check the alarm No. "34" items.
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
An excessive current was detected in the motor drive current.
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Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
1 Check the alarm No. "32" items.
Alarm check timing
f1 f2 f3 f4
Alarm No.
Power module error (Overheat):
The IPM used for the inverter detected overheating.
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Investigation details Investigation results Remedies
Check the heat radiation environment.
(1) Rotation of fan on back of unit. The fan is not rotating correctly. Replace the fan.
(2) Contamination of heat radiation fins
on back of unit.
The heat radiation fins are heavily
contaminated with cutting oil or cutting
chips, etc.
Clean the fin.
Make sure that
cutting oil and cutting
chips do not get on
the fins.
(3) Measurement of unit's ambient
The temperature exceeds 55°C. Reconsider the panel ventilation and
Nothing corresponds. Investigate item 2.
The grounding is incomplete.
If a certain device operations, the alarm
occurs easily.
Correctly ground.
Take noise measures for the device on
the left.
2 Check for effects in the unit's ambient
(Ex. Ambient temperature, noise,
No problems. Replace the drive unit.