Included with your T-60 is a disk containing the ApplicationBuilder, a PC
program which allows you to quickly generate programs for the T-60. The
ApplicationBuilder generates BASIC programs from simple menu selections
and direct screen entry of text. It consists of three components: the
BUILDER, which converts menu selections and direct screen text entry into
BASIC code; the EDITOR which performs text editing of BASIC or other
ASCII files; and a TERMINAL EMULATOR which can perform “dumb”
terminal operation to talk to the T-60. Integrated into all ApplicationBuilder
functions is an UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD capability and a comprehensive,
context sensitive HELP system.
Getting Started
Running the ApplicationBuilder is quite simple, and requires no special
software skills. First you must connect the T-60 to your PC. Connect one
end of the NULL MODEM cable to COM2 on the T-60 and the other end to
an available serial port on your PC (either COM1 or COM2). Note which
serial port on the PC that you have connected to (for information on the serial
ports for your PC refer to your PC’s instruction manual).
The ApplicationBuilder is supplied on two 5 1/4" diskettes and on one 3 1/2"
diskette. Make back-up copies of your diskettes before attempting to use
them. Save your original ApplicationBuilder diskettes in a safe place.
Figure 10
Serial Connections
Getting Started