2. Position the front panel to the side of the unit, being careful not to stress
the internal cables.
3. To install an MO2 option, insert a 256Kbit RAM (120 nsec, JDEC 32 pin)
in location U9. Be sure that PIN 1 (location on RAM with notch or dot) is
facing down (towards the center of the unit). Note carefully the position of
U9 and the orientation of the RAM in the diagram. Check carefully for
bent or damaged pins.
Improper orientation of U9 will destroy the RAM, and possibly cause
damage to the unit.
4. Re-connect the backlight cable connector to J6 (see diagram) and replace
the front panel and screws.
5. Connect an IBM KEYBOARD to the KEYBOARD connector. Make sure
that the keyboard is a type which is compatible with an IBM PC XT (not
6. Re-connect power to the unit. Press the CTRL, ALT and DEL keys on the
IBM KEYBOARD simultaneously. This will reset the unit and normal
operation will begin.
7. Check the installation by pressing HELP on the T-60 followed by F4
(SYS). The memory option should show 64K.
8. If the memory option only shows 32K, or the display does not come up
displaying the sign-on message, REMOVE POWER IMMEDIATELY.
Remove the cover and recheck the installation of U9.
Section B
1. Remove the front panel by carefully lifting it off the unit and
disconnecting the two pin connector for the backlight cable (J10, see
2. Position the front panel to the side of the unit, being careful not to stress
the internal cables.
Figure 15
Top of Board Inside T-60
T-60 Operator's Manual