TI3 Interface Option
The -TI3 Option uses Texas Instruments’ CCM protocol for communicating to
TI Series 305 and Series 405 PLC’s. The Series 305 PLC’s (Models 315, 325,
and 330) communicate via a DCU module. The communication parameters
are auto-detected by the T-60 Series device. Therefore, you don’t need to set
up any communication parameters in your PLC. The TI Model 425
communicates via the DCM module. It’s communication parameters are also
auto-detected. The TI Model 435 has a serial communication port built into
the CPU module. No other communications module is necessary. As with
the other Models, the T-60 Series auto-detects the 435’s communication
parameters. In all cases, the communication protocol is RS232C, so use the
RS232C port, not the RS422 port, if you have a choice.
The -TI3 Option comes with the proper cable to interface to a TI 305 or 405
Series PLC. For those who need to change the length of the cable, the proper
connections are shown below:
Figure 23
10T-60 Series to GE Series 90
Communication Connections
T-60 Operator's Manual