4. Are the NULL MODEM cable connectors securely seated into their
respective sockets? Try tightening the hold-down screws on the NULL
MODEM cable.
5. Are you using the NULL MODEM cable supplied by EMERSON EMC?
If not, check the cable for correct configuration.
6. Do you have memory resident programs loaded (TSR programs) which
are presently running on your PC (disk spoolers, communications drivers,
etc.)? If so disable or remove them. TSR’s may cause problems with the
serial port operation.
Operating Modes
This portion of the manual has been created from excerpts of the on-line HELP
which is integrated into the ApplicationBuilder program. If you feel comfortable
with the discussion so far, go ahead and try the ApplicationBuilder on your own.
If you need help at any time, press F1. A help message will appear which will
describe the operation required to run the ApplicationBuilder. After trying out
the ApplicationBuilder, read this section of the manual to master its power.
Section “Summary of ApplicationBuilder” contains a keystroke summary.
The ApplicationBuilder consists of three basic operating modes: BUILDER,
EDITOR, and the TERMINAL modes. These modes are selected by the
MODE menu. When the ApplicationBuilder begins, it starts up in the
BUILDER mode. To change modes, use the MODE menu. The Mode menu
gives you access to the Builder, the Editor, and the Terminal Modes of the
ApplicationBuilder. You can switch from mode to mode without closing the
current document allowing you to work on a number of things at once. You
also quit the program from the Mode menu. You can access the Mode menu
by hitting the <Esc> key or Alt-M.
BUILDER - The Builder Mode is the mode you utilize to use a user friendly
program generation environment to help you develop your BASIC program
to run on your T-60. Typing “B” while anywhere in the Mode menu will also
activate this command.
EDITOR - The Editor Mode is basically a standard text editor where you can
develop and modify your BASIC programs. Not only can you cut, copy, and
paste blocks of text, but you can also renumber your BASIC programs in the
Editor. Typing “E” while anywhere in the Mode menu will also activate this
TERMINAL - The Terminal Mode basically turns your computer into a
dumb terminal that communicates directly to the T-60’s interface. For all
practical purposes, key strokes entered onto your computer keyboard are
echoed on the interface screen. Typing “T” while anywhere in the Mode
menu will also activate this command.
RUN TUTORIAL - This selection provides a guided tour of the
ApplicationBuilder. Text will be placed on-screen with examples of how to
run the ApplicationBuilder.
QUIT - Exits the ApplicationBuilder program and returns you to DOS.
Typing “Q” while anywhere in the Mode menu will also activate this
Operating Modes