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No. 99MBC095A
3.2.9 GO/NG judgment
• All the measured data are subject to GO/NG judgment.
To enable, set the GO/NG judgment criteria in advance.
• The following settings can be made in the basic setup.
a) The method of tolerance judgment can be selected from (Lower limit value and upper
limit value), multi-limit selection (7 limits) and (Target value and tolerance values:
upper tolerance value and lower tolerance value).
To output the judgment result with the multi-limit selection it is necessary to select the
optional Second Analog I/O Interface.
b) Simultaneous measurement can be specified. To do this, it is necessary to select the
optional Second Analog I/O Interface for tolerance result output.
c) For (Target value and tolerance values), the user is permitted to select whether the
target value is to be copied to the reference value. If it is, the setup guidance for the
reference value will not appear.
d) Even in the ready state it is possible to select whether tolerance judgment and analog
output are performed. If they are, tolerance judgment and analog output will take place
in the ready state, however, these data are not available for statistical processing.
e) Abnormal data elimination, tolerance judgment, group judgment, and analog output can
be performed in a single-run measurement, zero-run measurement, sample measure-
ment, and continuous-run measurement (with a term specification). The judgment result
will be indicated by the -NG (red LED), GO (green LED), and +NG (red LED) indica-
tors and outputted to the I/O interface and RS-232C (including printer)/GP-IB interface.
f) The following tables show the relationship between the measured data and tolerance
judgment method
1) (Lower and upper limit values)
tnemgdujGN/OG )teseraseulavtimilreppudnarewolehthtobfidegduj(tnemerusaeM
OGeulavtimilrewoL ≤ eulavtimilreppU<tnemerusaeM
GN+tnemerusaeM ≥ eulavtimilreppU
2) (Target value and tolerance values)
)eulavecnarelotrewol+eulavtegraT( ≤ reppu+eulavtegraT(<tnemerusaeM
GN+tnemerusaeM ≥ )eulavecnarelotreppu+eulavtegraT(