No. 99MBC095A
b. Setting the automatic workpiece detecting function
(Guidance: AWDT) .......................................................... 4-14
c. Setting the number of scans (Guidance: SCAN) ............ 4-15
d. Setting the group judgment (Guidance: GTJ) ................. 4-15
Setting the group judgement output (Guidance: GTJ D)...
f. Setting the odd-numbered-edge cutting tool measurement
function (Guidance : TOOL) ............................................ 4-16 Selecting and setting the function in the B4 mode .............. 4-17
a. Setting the use of RS-232C port
(Guidance: RE-232C) ...................................................... 4-17
b. Setting the RS-232C communication baud rate
(Guidance: BAUD) ........................................................... 4-17
c. Setting the RS-232C communication data bits
(Guidance: LENGTH) ...................................................... 4-17
d. Setting the RS-232C communication parity bit
(Guidance: PARITY)........................................................ 4-18
e. Setting the delimiter for communication
(Guidance DELIMT)......................................................... 4-18
f. Setting the RS-232C line control
(Guidance: CONTRL) ...................................................... 4-18 Selecting and setting the function in the B5 mode .............. 4-19
a. Setting the RUN input function from the I/O interface
(Guidance: RUN) ............................................................. 4-19
b. Setting the PSET input function from the I/O interface
(Guidance: PSET) ........................................................... 4-19
c. Setting the GO output function from the I/O interface
(Guidance: GO) ............................................................... 4-20 Selecting and setting the function in the B6 mode .............. 4-20
a. Setting the use of DCU (Guidance: DCU) ...................... 4-20 Setting in the B7 mode (expanded items) ........................... 4-21
a. Setting expanded items (Guidance: ADD) ...................... 4-21
b. Reservation (Guidance: SEG_LIM) ................................. 4-21
c. Reservation (Guidance: SEG_ER0)................................ 4-21
d. Reservation (Guidance: SEG_COR) ............................... 4-21
e. SHL setting (Guidance: SHL) .......................................... 4-21
f. Setting for detecting dirty protection glass
(Guidance: DIRT) ............................................................ 4-22
g. Setting the measurement mode (Guidance: DLC).......... 4-22
h. Space for additional functions (Guidance: A.5V) ............ 4-23
i. Space for additional functions (Guidance: A.0V) ............ 4-23
j. Space for additional functions (Guidance: A2.0V) .......... 4-23
k. Setting the STB length of I/O analog interface
(Guidance: STB).............................................................. 4-23
l. Setting the input software filter (Guidance: IFF) ............. 4-23
m. Setting the application range of calibration
(Guidance: CAL).............................................................. 4-24
n. Setting the application range of presetting and mastering
(Guidance: PST).............................................................. 4-24
o. Setting the number of programs to be used
(Guidance: PRGM) .......................................................... 4-24
4.2 Calibration ................................................................................................... 4-25
4.2.1 Calibration gages and gage stand ................................................. 4-25