There are three main buffers: batch, format, and graphic. The
printer also has a 1024 byte input buffer which holds data until
it is processed into the respective buffer(s).
Data Flow Control
The printer uses Xon/Xoff or data terminal ready (DTR) for
data flow control. DTR flow control is usually required if you
are using an IBM-PC, unless the PC has a special Xon-Xoff
In DTR mode, the printer activates DTR when the printer can
accept more data from the host and deactivates when the
printer’s receive buffer is nearly full. In Xon/Xoff Mode, the
printer sends the Xon character when the printer can accept
more data and sends Xoff when the printer buffer is nearly full.
In either mode, once the printer has indicated that its buffer is
nearly full (by sending Xoff or deactivating DTR), up to 134
additional characters may be accepted without losing any data.
The printer does not require any hardware or software signals
from the host system in order to operate.
NOTE: Flow control characters can be changed offline
through the Printer Configuration mode.
The total number of formats, batches, and graphics is only
limited by the amount of memory available.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual