Placing the Image in a Format
The message structure below places a graphic field in a format.
You can have up to 100 graphic images. The graphic record
can be placed in a format data stream anywhere following the
format header record.
NOTE: Graphics are counted as fields, just like text or bar
code fields. When determining the number of fields in
your format, count each graphic as a separate field.
If graphic fields overlap with other fields in the data stream, the
last field in the data stream will dominate.
Field Contents
G## Must begin with the letter "G" for a graphic
The G is followed by one or two digits for
the graphic number. Enter the number
you assigned to the graphic in the graphic
data stream.
Values: 0-99
ROW One to four digits to define the row
location of the graphic on the supply. This
is the distance from the the guide edge
zero point at the
of the supply and
the bottom of the field.
The zero point is 1.5 mm or 0.060 inches
from the bottom of the supply. The bottom
of the supply is the edge that exits the
printer first.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual