Text Field Record
The text field record is constructed as shown below.
T## Must begin with the letter ‘T’ for a text field.
The T is followed by one or two digits for
the field number. There can be up to 100
fields per format, in any combination of
text, barcode, line, or graphic fields.
Values: 0-99
IFLAG You can set numeric fields to increase or
decrease in value as each ticket is printed.
This parameter consists of one character
to define the field as incremented,
decremented, or constant.
Values: I = Increment
D = Decrement
If the field does not change, define IFLAG
as ‘I’ and set IVALUE to zero (0).
NOTE: Do not select incrementing on
fields that contain a check digit.
IVALUE One to three digits to define the amount by
which the value in the field increases or
decreases as each ticket is printed. If the
field does not change, define IFLAG as ‘I’
and set IVALUE to zero (0).
Values: 0-999
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual