• No human readable characters appear with this bar
code ( 0).
Syntax Checklist
• Make sure this record is preceded by a format header
• Make sure the first parameter (field number) begins
with B.
• Make sure the row and column locations in this record
are less than the supply length and width.
• Make sure you have allowed enough space to hold all
the characters in the field without running off the supply.
• Make sure you have left enough room so the bar code
height does not run off the supply.
• Make sure the record ends with a record separator ( ).
• If this is the last record in your format, place a close
brace (}) at the end of the record.
1. Field definitions may be sent in any order, regardless of
field location. The last field carries priority over previous
fields and will overwrite the previous fields if they overlap
when printed.
2. To print human readable characters for Code 39,
Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, Code 128 and MSI bar codes,
create a separate text field.
NOTE: If using this method with UPC or EAN bar codes,
the bar code may not print correctly.
3. A new format with the same ID number as a previously
defined format will overwrite the old format. However, the
old format will not be overwritten until all batches queued
to use the old format are completed.
4. The following special restrictions apply to online bar codes.
9400 Series Programmer’s Manual