E6. cut_type Enables or disables the knife. Options:
0 Does not cut (default for all printers)
1 Cuts before first tag, cuts each tag, and cuts after
last tag. (9835 V5.0+, 9840 V6.0+, or 9850 printer)
2 Cuts before first tag, cuts after batch. Cuts in strips,
not each tag. (9835 V5.0+, 9840 V6.0+, or 9850 printer)
3 Cuts before first tag, cuts each tag, cuts after the last
tag and feeds one or two tags past the printhead when
it cuts the last tag in the last batch. 9835 V5.0+,
9840 V6.0+, or 9850 printer)
4 Does not cut before the first tag in a batch, but cuts
between each tag and after the last tag in the batch.
Press Feed to feed the last tag out far enough to be
cut. The last tag is queued to be cut once it reaches
the knife. (9835 V5.0+, 9840 V6.0+, or 9850 printer)
NOTE: If you choose cut after batch or last tag in last batch,
the last tag in the batch is cut. However, there may
be one or two tags left between the printhead and the
knife, because the knife is two-and-a-half inches
away from the printhead.
E7. cut_mult Number of tags to print before cutting. A cut multiple of one
cuts after each tag. The range is 0 to 32,000. 0 is the default.
The cut multiple is a multiple of the print quantity. If the cut
multiple is three and the print quantity is 16, then five sets of
three tags and one set of one tag is produced.
NOTE: The last tag in the batch is always cut, regardless of
the multiple.
The 9835, 9840, and 9850 printers support an
optional knife, which must be purchased separately.
E,0,1,4,2,1,4 p
Defines a batch control field. Continuous feed mode is used
and a separator prints between batches. Four tags have the
same image and there are two identical parts on one tag. The
knife cuts after every four tags.