adding custom fonts 2-33
adjustments, print 2-10
algorithm,in sum of digits 4-21
algorithm,in sum of products 4-20
alignment,bar code 3-19
memory 2-23
packet syntax 2-20
backing up 1-4
bar code
defining aspect ratios 4-16
PDF417 options 4-16
bar code alignment 3-19
bar code density
syntax 4-14
bar codes
character lengths 3-9
customizing density 4-14
defining 3-9
defining densities 4-14
determining distance from left/right
3-11, 3-22
determining distance from top/bottom
generating check digits 4-12
justification 3-19
list of types 3-12
modifying height 3-19
placing human readables 9-6
rotating 3-20
selecting a density 3-12
selecting human readables 3-19
canceling printing 2-30
clearing data from memory 2-32
downloading sample 6-2
overview of packet 6-3
sample A-9
batch control field
defining 6-4
syntax 6-4
sample 6-4
batch data field
defining 6-6
syntax 6-6
containing incrementing fields 6-7
sample 6-6
using entered/copied data 6-7
batch header
syntax 6-3
defining 6-3
sample 6-3
using zero quantities 9-3
batch method of downloading
explained 6-9
batch quantity zero
downloading explained 6-9
syntax A-11
batch quantity, defined 6-3
baud rate selection 2-18
defining fields 5-15
defining next fields 5-17
defining the header 5-13
hexadecimal chart C-17
hexadecimal method 5-3, 5-5
overview 5-3
run length chart C-21
run length method 5-3, 5-7
storing the image 5-9
black to white print ratio 5-4