You can group fields with similar parameters. For example
T,1,10,V,250,50,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0 p
T,2,15,,,75 p
T,3,,,,100 p
The first text field sets all the parameters for that field. The
second text field’s number of characters and column location
changes from what was defined in the first field. In the third text
field, only the column location is changed. This method can be
used on bar code and constant text fields as well.
You should understand the basics of each
field before using this method.
After you modify any fields or parameters with the optional entry
method, resend the format, batch, or configuration packet to the
With Bar Codes
Be careful when rotating or placing a UPC/EAN bar code with
human readable characters, because the bottom reference
point is at the bottom of the bars, not at the bottom of the
human readable characters.
With Fields
Data that remains the same for each label should be in a
constant text field. Data that varies for each label should be
in a text field.
Check for trailing spaces in text or constant text fields if you
receive a "field off tag" error. An easy way to see trailing
spaces is to print the field in the reverse font.
Make sure if you magnify a field, it does not go off the label or
cover another field. Magnifying a field increases the distance
between the printed character and the edge of the cell.
Printer Optimization