Do not use character pacing (delay for each character) or any
other delay while sending the autobaud sequence. Wait one
second after sending the autobaud sequence before sending any
commands (including setting flow control) or data to the printer.
During this time, the hardware is being changed to the new
To select flow control and finalize communications, send the
communication settings packet. Or, use the Optional Entry
method described in Chapter 6, "Printing."
,F,,,,,3 p }
This packet sets the flow control parameter to XON/XOFF, without
changing the current communication settings established with
Using MPCLII Conventions
Here are some guidelines to follow when using MPCLII.
MPCLII Punctuation
Use the following symbols when creating MPCLII packets:
{ start of header
} end of header
field separator
, parameter separator
"ABC" Quotation marks enclose character strings.
Empty quotes ("") identify null strings or
unused fields.
Configuring the Printer