hapter 3
For DOS Users
The C360 is useful for office automation and industrial control as well as data
acquisition and communication. Because many users need to implement an
industrial control system or data acquisition system in the DOS environment,
but DOS did not has any better communication API, thus Moxa have developed
a device driver and library functions under DOS which are called API-232 for
DOS. User should find the API-232 driver diskette along with shipment in
addition to API-232 User's Manual.
See the README file on the API-232 driver diskette for the latest release notes
and other last-minute information.
3.1 Software Driver Installation and Setup
MOXA API-232 for DOS is a software package that assists users to develop
and/or debug programs for serial communications. It supports device drivers
for the MOXA boards such as C102/C104/C168 Service, standard PC COM
ports, and C360 SuperPort System.
Driver Installation
Insert the API-232 software diskette into the floppy drive, change directory (cd)
to the drive then type DOSINST.EXE to run the installation program. User
has to choose the C360 SuperPort Board and specify the target API-232
directory (e.g. C:\MOXA) to be installed.
Control Board Configuration
If have not executed IO-IRQ.EXE after installing C360 into the PC, please
change to API-232 directory and run the configuration program, IO-IRQ.EXE,
then choose C360 and specify the base I/O address, IRQ, and Interface for C360
Control Board. The settings of base I/O address and IRQ will be used when