For UNIX Users • • Chapter 4
The utility restarts the Async Concentrator(s) specified without shutting down
the UNIX system. This is especially useful for replacing a defective Async
Concentrator with a new Async Concentrator when any port of the original
Async Concentrator is mal-functional. In this case, even though the serial
numbers are different, "Driver Reset" is not suitable. However, user must
make sure that
All MOXA TTY and non-TTY ports on the specified Async
Concentrator(s) must not be used by any applications (processes),
including getty or tty monitor, which should be stopped before the
utility is executed.
Terminal Emulation
This utility provides data sending and receiving ability of all tty ports, including
MOXA TTY ports (but not MOXA non-TTY ports). It is quite useful for
testing, for example, sending AT command to a modem connected to the port or
used as a terminal for login purpose. Note that this is only a dumb terminal
emulation without handling full screen operation. In addition, pattern/file
transfer function is provided.
Driver Removal
If user wants to remove the MOXA C360 device driver and return to the
original system configuration, just press Enter in this function entry and answer
"y" to confirm. Then the system will be rebuild. This may take some time.
If user answers "n", no action will be taken.
4.4 Programming the MOXA TTY Ports Using Standard UNIX API
The system services that apply to standard tty port can also be applied to
MOXA TTY port since they conforms to UNIX tty standard. For example,