For UNIX Users • • Chapter 4
User can select base I/O address and interrupt at will as long as no conflict will
occurs. In [Concentrator Setting] dialog, there are several features that need
explanation which is as follows:
Async Concentrator Serial Number:
This is the unique number identifying an Async Concentrator. User has to
type in the serial number when installing the driver into the system at the very
first time. Otherwise, user can use "Auto Search Serial No." to detect the serial
number(s) of all the existing Async Concentrator(s) for convenience without
typing the serial number(s) one by one.
The unique serial number written on a sticker can be found at the left of the rear
panel of each Async Concentrator.
TTY or Non-TTY:
Specify TTY the for the Async Concentrator if all the 16 serial ports are to be
used for login or standard UNIX tty purpose. Otherwise, specify non-TTY for
MOXA port usage.
If TTY is specified for an Async Concentrator, user may enter [H/W Flow
Control Settings] dialog to specify "H/W Flow Control" feature: ON or OFF
(OFF is set as default).
This feature is for more flexible driver behavior. If set to OFF (default),
RTS/CTS hardware flow control function in driver will be disabled and CTS
signal from remote site is not needed for tty port to transfer data. On contrary,
if set to ON, RTS/CTS hardware flow control function in driver will be enabled
and CTS signal from remote site is needed for tty port to transfer data.
Any change of configuration, such as adding or deleting Async Concentrator(s),
changing from TTY to non-TTY or non-TTY to TTY, will cause kernel
rebuilding. Note that changing only the serial number will not cause kernel
rebuilding but "Concentrator Restart" or "Driver Reset" should be called for to
enable the newly configured Async Concentrator.