Introduction • • Chapter 1
Control Board
v 16-bit ISA bus (EISA compatible)
v I/O mapped address: 200H, 220H, 240H,260H, 280H, 2A0H,2C0H,2E0H,
300H, 320H, 340H, 360H 380H, 3A0H, 3C0H, 3E0H. (needs 32 bytes)
v IRQ: 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 15
v Ethernet interface: BNC (for 10BASE-2/Coaxial) and UTP (for 10BASE-
T/Twisted pair), selectable by software IO-IRQ.EXE
v Transmission rate: 10M bps
v Dimensions: 15.8 cm x 6.3 cm
v Operating temperature: 0 °C ~ 55 °C
Async Concentrator
v Processor: RISC i80960CA-25 50 MIPS
v RAM: 1MB
v Ethernet interface: BNC (for 10BASE-2/Coaxial) and UTP (for 10BASE-
T/Twisted pair), auto-detection
v Transmission rate: 10M bps
v No. of serial ports: 16 RS-232 ports
v Serial connectors: RJ-45
v Serial port: Data bits - 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop bits - 1, 1.5, 2
Parity - none, even, odd, space, mark
UART - high speed 16550C, 16 byte FIFO
Speed (bps) - 50 ~ 460.8K
Signals - TxD, RxD, DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS, DCD, GND
v Serial number: Used by the driver for identification
v Rack Mount Kit: 2 L-type plates and 8 screws
v Dimension: 27 cm x 16 cm x 4.4 cm
C360 Control Board