■ A closed network feature to let you limit who can
send faxes to your OKIFAX and whom your OKIFAX
can send faxes to.
■ A convenience copy feature that lets you make up to
99 sorted copies of an original document.
OKIFAX 5050 Features
■ 15 One Touch keys.
■ 64 Auto Dial numbers.
■ 10 groups.
■ 8 mailboxes for confidential reception.
■ Fax communication at up to 14,400 bits per second.
■ 256 KB of built-in memory.
Product Options
See page 75 for ordering information.
■ Optional memory board with battery backup
provides 1MB of non-volatile memory.
Order Number 70031501.
■ Handset with cradle connects directly to your OKIFAX
and works exactly like a telephone. Order Number
■ Second Paper Tray adds an additional capacity of 500
sheets. When the main tray runs out, your OKIFAX
automatically switches to the second tray for uninter-
rupted printing. Order Number 70029401.
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