58 Faxing: Reports
■ The name or telephone number of the fax machine you
were communicating with (DISTANT STATION ID). If
you were sending a fax, the telephone number or the
Location ID is printed. If you were receiving a fax, the
remote fax machine’s Personal ID or its telephone
number is printed.
■ The communication mode used for each transmission or
■ The number of pages sent or received.
■ The result of each communication.
■ Service codes. Be sure to report these diagnostic codes if
you contact your Authorized OKIFAX Dealer about
communication problems.
Note: This report does not list messages that were re-
ceived without errors.
Broadcast Confirmation Report (MCF)
Use this report to confirm the results of a multiple-loca-
tion transmission (broadcast). Information provided on
this report includes:
■ The date and time at which the broadcast started.
■ The total amount of time used to complete the broad-
■ For each location, the Location ID, the number of pages
sent and the result of the communication.
Phone Directory
This report provides a complete listing of all of the tele-
phone numbers programmed into your OKIFAX’s One
Touch keys, Auto Dial codes and groups. The informa-
tion includes:
■ The Location ID and main fax number for each One
Touch key and Auto Dial code.
■ The alternate number (OR) for each One Touch key.
■ The One Touch Parameter settings for each One Touch
key (PRM. ECHO).
■ A listing of all of the One Touch keys and Auto Dial
codes included in each group.
Configuration Report
The configuration report provides a list of the current op-
erational settings of your OKIFAX. The information in-
■ The current settings of all user functions (except for One
Touch Parameter settings, which appear in the telephone
■ The Sender ID (ID=), TSI/CSI (TEL NO.), and call back
number currently programmed into your OKIFAX.
■ Current dial parameter settings.
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