Introduction 11
8/Location Program key: Use this key to program One Touch
keys, Auto Dial numbers and groups. See the “Dial Direc-
tories” chapter.
9/User Program key: Use this key to program identification
information, to set the clock, and to change function and
dial parameter settings.
10/Message Print From Memory key: Your OKIFAX is set to re-
ceive messages into memory and not print them when it
runs low on toner. Using this key you can force messages
to print, although print quality may be poor because toner
is low. This key is also used to print confidential fax mes-
sages received into mail boxes in your OKIFAX’s
memory (page 45).
When no messages are in memory, use this key to print a
cleaning page to clear accumulated toner from the image
drum. See page 63.
Signal Tones
Your OKIFAX makes a number of sounds to inform
you of specific conditions.
Key Select tone: This is a short beep that occurs each time
you press a key.
Error tones: If you press a wrong or inappropriate key, your
OKIFAX emits three short beeps. If it experiences a
problem during communications, it emits three long
beeps. Press the Stop key to turn the error tone off, then
print a Message Confirmation Report to check the source
of the problem—to do this, press the Copy key twice with
no documents loaded.
Voice Request tone: During a fax session, either you or the
person at the remote fax machine may initiate a voice re-
quest. When the person at the remote machine either ini-
tiates or answers your voice request, your OKIFAX emits
a repetitive warbling sound.
End of Session tone: At the end of every successful fax session,
your OKIFAX emits a short beep to inform you that
there were no errors or problems in the communication.
Off-Hook Alarm tone: If it is equipped with the optional hand-
set, and if the handset is left off the hook, your OKIFAX
emits an intermittent warbling sound. To turn off the
sound, hang up the handset and press the Stop key.
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