52 Customizing
Note: Occasionally, your OKIFAX may not be able to
detect its ring pattern on the first try. If this hap-
pens, the display shows RESULT=NG. Follow the in-
structions again from Step 6.
8 Press the Yes ᮤ key to confirm your selection.
9 Press the Select Function key to finish.
13 1'ST PAPER SIZE: This function allows you to specify
the size of paper you are using in the paper tray.
Available settings are LETTER (default), A4, LEGAL
13, and LEGAL 14.
14 Not used.
15 USER LANGUAGE: This function allows you to switch
between the two languages programmed into your
OKIFAX. Available settings are ENG. (English, the de-
fault) and SPA. (Spanish), FRE. (French), or POR. (Portu-
guese), depending on where you purchased your
16 INCOMING RING: This function controls the tele-
phone ringing sound your OKIFAX makes when a
call comes in. When set to off, it does not ring dur-
ing incoming calls. The available settings are:
■ ON (default): Only rings when set to Manual
Receive [TEL] mode or when the RING RESPONSE
function is set to 5, 10, or 20 seconds.
■ OFF: Does not ring when a call comes in.
■ DRC (distinctive ring cancel): Rings for each
incoming call with the same tone, even if you have set
function setting 12, DISCTINCTIVE RING to on.
17 REMOTE RECEIVE: This function lets you use an attached
phone to tell your OKIFAX to switch from telephone to
fax mode so it can receive an incoming fax. Use the keypad
of an external telephone to enter the remote receive num-
ber you have programmed into your OKIFAX.
In addition, if your OKIFAX is in TAD mode (see page
20), a caller can enter the programmed remote receive
number after leaving a voice message; this enables the
OKIFAX to receive a fax from the caller.
Available settings are OFF (default), 00, 11, 22, 33,
44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, **, and ##.
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