8-bit Timers
Timer n mode register (n = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B)
Register symbol: TMnMD
Address: x'34001004 (n=4), x'34001005 (n=5), x'34001006 (n=6),
x'34001007 (n=7), x'34001008 (n=8), x'34001009 (n=9),
x'3400100A (n=A), x'3400100B (n=B)
Purpose: This register controls the operation of timer n.
Bit No.76543210
Bit TMn TMn TMn TMn
name CNE LDE OM1 OM0 CK2 CK1 CK0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W
Bit No. Bit name Description
0 TMnCK0 Timer n clock source selection flag (LSB)
1 TMnCK1 Timer n clock source selection flag
2 TMnCK2 Timer n clock source selection flag (MSB)
These bits select the timer clock source.
When pin input is selected, the rising edge of the pin input signal is counted.
For details on each timer clock sources, refer to Table 10-5-3, "8-bit Timer Clock
3 — "0" is returned when this bit is read.
4 TMnOM0 Timer n output mode flag (LSB)
5 TMnOM1 Timer n output mode flag (MSB)
These bits select the timer n output waveform.
For details on each PWM output waveform, refer to Table 10-5-2, "PWM Output
00: Underflow 1/2 cycle output ("L" level output during timer n initialization)
01: Underflow 1/2 cycle output ("H" level output during timer n initialization)
10: PWM output ("L" level output during timer n initialization)
11: PWM output ("H" level output during timer n initialization)
6 TMnLDE Timer n initialization flag
Initializes timer n.
0: Normal operation
1: Initialization
Loads the value in TMnBR into TMnBC.
Resets timer output n.
Loads the value in the compare register buffer into the compare register.
7 TMnCNE Timer n operation enable flag
Enables/disables the timer n count operation.
0: Operation disabled
1: Operation enabled