
Serial Interface
[Notes on Usage]
1 Set SC3CTR before setting the other registers, and do not change the setting while transmitting or receiving, or
while there is data in the transmission buffer. Operation is not guaranteed if the setting of the SC3CTR register
is changed.
2 Before writing to the transmission buffer SC3TXB, confirm that the transmission buffer is empty. When
writing, either first confirm that the transmission buffer is empty by checking SC3TBF in the SC3STR status
register and then write the data, or else set SC3TI in the SC3ICR interrupt mode register to "1" and then write
the data during the appropriate interrupt processing.
3 Set a value of 16 or higher in SC3TIM.
4 When using an external clock (SBT3 pin), the high and low widths of the external clock must be at least 10, 5,
or 2.5 SYSCLK cycles when (MCLK frequency/SYSCLK frequency) = 1, 2, or 4, respectively.