Watchdog Timer
12.5 Description of Operation
Oscillation stabilization wait operation
The watchdog timer operates as an oscillation stabilization wait timer after the reset state is released or when the
microcontroller recovers from STOP mode (Fig. 12-5-1).
The watchdog timer operates in this capacity even if the WDCNE flag is "0".
When recovering from STOP mode, the watchdog timer operates as a counter of the number of bits specified by
WDCK2 to 0 (Fig. 12-5-2). The oscillation stabilization wait time can be selected from among times that are
calculated as follows:
Overflow cycle = 2
(n + WDCK x 2)
/(f x 10
) [ms]
Where, n = 16 (CKSEL pin is “H”) or n = 17 (CKSEL pin is “L”); WDCK = WDCK[2:0]; f: Oscillation
input frequency [unit: MHz]
An oscillation stabilization wait time of at least 14 ms is recommended.
If the WDCNE flag is "1", a non-maskable interrupt is not generated even when recovering from STOP mode.
Fig. 12-5-1 Operation Diagram 1: When Reset Is Released
Watchdog timer
count value
(when CKSEL = “H” and the oscillating input frequency is 15 MHz)
Internal clock,
SYSCLK supply
SYSCLK 8 cycle width
17.476 ms
Oscillation stabilization
wait time
Internal reset
RST pin
OSCI input