
16-bit Timers
Timer 10 compare/capture A mode register
Register symbol: TM10MDA
Address: x'340010B0
Purpose: This register controls the operation of the timer 10 compare/capture A register.
This register also sets the waveform that is output to the TM10IOA pin.
Bit No.76543210
Bit TM10 TM10 TM10 TM10
TM10 TM10 TM10
name AM1 AM0 AEG ACE AO2 AO1 AO0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W
Bit No. Bit name Description
0 TM10AO0 Timer 10A output waveform selection flag (LSB)
1 TM10AO1 Timer 10A output waveform selection flag
2 TM10AO2 Timer 10A output waveform selection flag (MSB)
These bits select the waveform that is output to the TM10IOA pin.
000: Set when TMnBC matches TMnCA, reset when TMnBC matches TMnCB.
001: Set when TMnBC matches TMnCA, reset when TMnBC overflows.
010: Set when TMnBC matches TMnCA, reset only when the timer is initialized.
011: Reset when TMnBC matches TMnCA.
100: Toggled output (Output is inverted when TMnBC matches TMnCA.)
101, 110, 111: Setting prohibited.
3 "0" is returned when this bit is read.
4 TM10ACE Timer 10 capture A operation enable flag
Enables/disables capture operation for TM10CA.
0: Disables capture operation. (Pin input is ignored.)
1: Enables capture operation.
5 TM10AEG Timer 10 A pin polarity selection flag
Selects the valid edge for the input on the TM10IOA pin, and the output polarity.
0: Rising edge valid
Positive polarity output (Reset: “L” level; set: “H” level)
1: Falling edge valid
Negative polarity output (Reset: “H” level; set: “L” level)
6 TM10AM0 Timer 10 compare/capture A operating mode setting flag (LSB)
7 TM10AM1 Timer 10 compare/capture A operating mode setting flag (MSB)
These bits set the TM10CA operating mode.
00:Compare register (single-buffer)
01:Compare register (double-buffer)
10:Capture register (single-edge operation)
11:Capture register (dual-edge operation)
When dual-edge capture is set, the setting of TM10AEG is ignored.