mask# Mask number. Undefined. Leave blank or use 0.
data_input Type of data input. Options:
A Automatic
M Manual
char Type of characters. Options:
A Alphanumeric
B Binary
K Kanji
N Numeric
Note: In binary mode, the number of characters must be represented by
the 4-digit number in decimal.
Example 1,"HM,N0123456789012345" p }
Defines the following batch data for the QR Code: The error correction level
is H, which provides very high reliability. Leave the mask number blank.
The data input mode is Manual. The type of characters are Numeric and the
data is 0123456789012345.
QR Code Packet
{F,1,A,R,E,200,200,"QRCODE" p
B,1,200,V,50,50,36,0,100,2,B,0 p
{B,1,N,1 p
1,"HM,N0123456789012345" p }
Structured Append Mode
QR Code offers a mode called structured append (or concatenated) that
allows you to collect data from multiple QR Code symbols and use that data
elsewhere. For example, the components of a sub-assembly can have
individual QR Codes and the QR Code for the entire assembly contains all
the data from the individual codes. This mode also requires certain
parameters at the beginning of all batch data.
"mode_id code# #of_div parity, error_cor mask#
data_input char"
mode_id Mode identifier. Use D to indicate the structured append (or concatenated)
code# Code number of the individual symbol in the concatenated set. You must
use a two-digit number in decimal.
Samples A-3