Batch Data
Defines the actual information (as fields within {})
printed on the label.
Batch Control
Defines the print job (as a field).
Batch Header
First line of a batch, immediately following ({). Identifies
the format and batch quantity.
Batch Packet
2,"Monarch" }
Contains a batch header and the batch data. Enclosed
within { }.
Bitmapped Fonts Reside in the printer ’s memory. If you change the point
size, you have changed the font. Magnifying these fonts
causes some jaggedness to occur.
Buffer Storage area in the printer ’s memory that holds specific
data (images, formats, etc).
Field Can be text, bar codes, lines, boxes, constant, or
non-printable text. It is the result of a field definition.
Field Definition Any string of parameters that pertain to one field. A
field definition begins with a field identifier (such as T,
B, D, C, etc.).
T,1,10,V,250,50,0,1,1,1,B,C,0 p
Field Parameters Parameters that apply to a field and are separated by
commas. (In the above example, B is a field element for
black print on a white background.)
Flash Memory Contains information that is SAVED on power-down.
Format Layout or design for your printed label.