
There are two types of field color overlay attributes:
Transparent The overlay field (text or constant text) does not block out
(or “erase”) existing fields.
Opaque The overlay field blocks out (or “erases”) existing fields.
Field placement in the packet is an important consideration when using
field color attributes. I f a line field is defined before the overlay (text or
constant text) field, the line field is blocked out by the overlay field,
depending on the overlay field’s color attribute. If a line field is defined
after the overlay field, the line field is not blocked out by the overlay field,
regardless of the overlay field’s color attribute.
C9. alignment Alignment of constant text in the field. Options:
L Align on left s ide of field.
C Center text within field (for monospaced f onts only)
R Align on right side of field (for monospaced fonts only)
B Align at midpoint of field
E Align at end of field.
Use L, B,orE for any font.
C10. char rot Character rotation. Options:
0 Top of character points to t op of field
1 Top of character points to left of field
2 Top of character points to bottom of field
3 Top of character points to r ight of field
C11. field rot Field rotation. Lower left corner of field is the pivot point. Options:
0 Top of overlay points to top of supply
1 Top of overlay points to left of supply
2 Top of overlay points t o bottom of supply
3 Top of overlay points to right of supply
Note: Rotation is affected by the pivot point, which varies depending on
how text is justified.
C12. “fixed char” Fixed characters to appear in the field. Maximum 2710 characters.
Enclose in quotation marks.
Defining Fields 2-17