
Creating Bitmap Fields
This defines one row of dots, starting at a specific row and column within
the graphic image. Each unique row of dots requires a bitmap field. A
bitmap field can later be repeated by using a duplicate field.
B,row,column,algorithm,"data" p
B1. B Bitmap Field.
B2. row Distance (in dots) from the graphic image’s bottom margin to the bitmap
English 0 - 365
Metric 0 - 927
Dot 0 741
B3. column Distance (in dots) from the graphic image’s left edge to the bitmap line.
English 0 - 189
Metric 0 - 480
Dots 0 - 383
B4. algorithm Coding method for bitmap data:
H Hex Representation
R Run Length Encoding
B5. data Character string made up of hex or run length encoding. Do not put spaces
or any other character between the numbers. Range: 0 - 2710.
Example {B,39,56,H,"3FFFFFF0" p
Defines a bitmapped graphic field. The image begins 39 dots from the
bottom and 56 dots from the left edge of the graphic area. Hex
representation is used.
4-12 Creating Graphics