
copy config flash Copy system configuration parameters to flash Disable command
Disable command is to exit the privileged mode and back to the first level of command line interface.
Command Description
Disable Disable privileged mode Reboot command
Reboot command is to reboot the switch, please beware to check if the configuration is saved..
Command Description
Reboot Reboot system Set command
Set command is to change the parameter of the switch functions. The follow table lists the set commands and the
equivalent usages.
Command Description
set channel Set ports to be channel
set default Set system load default parameters
set dot1x auth mode Set dot1x auth mode
set dot1x auth-ctrl disable Disable dot1x
set dot1x auth-ctrl enable Enable dot1x
set dot1x local-userInfo Set dot1x local user information
set dot1x max-req Max times of re-transmit EAP request to Supplicant
set dot1x quiet-period Quiet-period in secondst
set dot1x reauth-max
Max times of re-transmit Request/ID before port become
set dot1x reauth-mode Enable or Disable reauthentication
set dot1x reauth-period Period for automatic re-authentication
set dot1x servertimeout Authentication server timeout
set dot1x supptimeout Timeout for supplicant
set dot1x tx-period Set dot1x server timeout
set enable password Set the password for the privileged level of the CLI
set igmp-snooping disable Disable igmp snooping
set igmp-snooping enable Enable igmp snooping
set igmp-snooping forward-all-leave
Disable/Enable forward all-leave when fastleave is