
3. Choose the Link Type in the drop drop down menu: Access , Always Untag or Trunk.
Note that if the Access type is chosen, it will strip the 802.1Q tag from all packets that out of this port. On the other
hand, if the Trunk type is chosen, it will put the VID number, priority and other VLAN information into the header of
all packets that out of this port. And if the Always Untag type is chosen, it will strip the 802.1Q tag from all packets
that out of the port. But the port can be assigned to more than one VLAN group.
4. Define the PVID for the port
Set the port VLAN ID that will be assigned to untagged traffic on a given port. This feature is useful for
accommodating devices that you want to participate in the VLAN but that don’t support tagging.
5. Trunk configuration: If the Trunk type is chosen, please follow the steps to set the Trunk of the port.
5.1 Add and define the names and VIDs for new VLANs. The VID number ranges from 2 to 4094. Fill the VID field
and the VLAN Name field in the Set VLAN’s VID & Name table and click on the “Add/Modify” button to save.
5.2 The added new VLAN then shows the the VLAN Table field in the Set Trunk Port for VLAN table.